The homeowner CC&R's provide extensive detail about the expectations, rules and guidelines by which all residents must be abide by and should be read by each resident in detail. It's important to respect these rules as it keeps our community safe, secure and pleasant to live in for everyone.
Provided below is general information most often sought out by residents in summarized format. For greater detail refer to the CC&R's. Click here to access the CC&R's.
The homeowner CC&R's provide extensive detail about the expectations, rules and guidelines by which all residents must be abide by and should be read by each resident in detail. It's important to respect these rules as it keeps our community safe, secure and pleasant to live in for everyone.
Provided below is general information most often sought out by residents in summarized format. For greater detail refer to the CC&R's. Click here to access the CC&R's.

All residents must contact property management to obtain move in or out paperwork. Movers must be insured

Pool Hours are 8am-10pm. No Glass Containers/Bottles allowed in pool area. No Pets Each unit can bring up to 2 people to the pool. (request permission from Property Manager if more are needed.)

Each building has a trash chute for garbage. All recyclables should be brought down to the garage and broken down before placed in bins.

You are assigned a parking space and should only park in your space unless you have been given permission by another homeowner. Do not block entrance or other cars in the event of an emergency.

Do not let people in the building (Front entrance or garages) unless you have invited them. Lock your cars and belongings in the garage at all times.

You should lock your bikes up. Bikes have been taken from the garage on occasion. If you would like to get on the list for a space in the bike garage contact the property Manager.

Pick up packages as soon as possible from the mail room.

All residents must contact property management to obtain move in or out paperwork. Movers must be insured

Pool Hours are 8am-10pm. No Glass Containers/Bottles allowed in pool area. No Pets Each unit can bring up to 2 people to the pool. (request permission from Property Manager if more are needed.)

Each building has a trash chute for garbage. All recyclables should be brought down to the garage and broken down before placed in bins.

You are assigned a parking space and should only park in your space unless you have been given permission by another homeowner. Do not block entrance or other cars in the event of an emergency.

Do not let people in the building (Front entrance or garages) unless you have invited them. Lock your cars and belongings in the garage at all times.

You should lock your bikes up. Bikes have been taken from the garage on occasion. If you would like to get on the list for a space in the bike garage contact the property Manager.

Pick up packages as soon as possible from the mail room.
As a Community, We Face Many Challenges.
Merritt Island is being left behind. With the recent growth in other areas of Brevard, Merritt Island's needs are often overlooked, and our tax dollars are going elsewhere. It's felt by our residents, and it's seen by many who live or visit. We deserve better and we can do better.
The Merritt Island Preservation Committee

Local citizens are joining together to explore a better future for Merritt Island.
Dear Merritt Island Community,
The Merritt Island Preservation Committee (MIPC) was formed in late 2022 by a group of residents concerned that many of Merritt Island's issues have not been addressed by county government. On January 10, 2022, during a Brevard County Board of County Commissioners meeting, the MIPC requested a third-party Feasibility Study, funded by the county to understand where Merritt Island tax dollars were being spent. Until the final Feasibility Study was complete, the MIPC refrained from making public statements without complete and factual information. The final Feasibility Study is now complete and demonstrates a strong financial reason to consider incorporation.
The economic viability of Merritt Island as a city is demonstrated in that no new taxes are necessary to continue existing services. After expenses, in the first year alone, there is a surplus budget of over $6.8 million to revitalize and invest in our Island. Incorporation allows our community to directly address local concerns and make local decisions. ​
Merritt Island residents can decide for themselves in the November 2024 General Election if incorporation is the solution to addressing our community's issues. The MIPC feels confident the Feasibility Study provides Merritt Island residents with the facts needed to responsibly explore the idea of incorporation. Future meetings will be scheduled throughout the Merritt Island community to discuss the possibility of incorporation.
Thank you for taking the time to research this issue and understand the facts. This is an important decision, and we owe it to ourselves as a community to understand the truth.
The Merritt Island Preservation Committee

Did you know....
Merritt Island would be the 4th largest municipality in Brevard County. Merritt Island's taxable property value is ~$4.6 Billion dollars and growing.
Median Income
Median Home Price
(June 2023)
The Journey to Incorporation for Merritt Island
In a Non-Binding Straw Poll Merritt Island Voted 'No' to incorporation.
35 years ago, the residents of Merritt Island participated in a straw ballot vote and voted no to incorporation. Residents were not provided with a feasibility study or adequate data to make an informed decision.
North Merritt Island HOA requests Feasibility Study
North Merritt Island's HOA requested a feasibility study from the Brevard County Board of County Commissioners. The request was ultimately tabled and the study was never approved.
April 2022
District 2 Commissioner Resigns
Merritt Island was left unrepresented on the County Commission for 8 months due to an abrupt departure of the District 2 Commissioner.
Oct 2022
The Merritt Island Preservation Committee Forms
Local citizens joined together to understand the challenges surrounding Merritt Island and determined there was a need to review where Merritt Island tax dollars were being spent.
Oct-Dec 2022
The Merritt Island Preservation Committee Researches Issues & Potential Solutions
The MIPC began researching on how other unincorporated communities dealt with local concerns including incorporation. Discussions were held with past and present community leaders, residents and independent consultants.
Jan 2023
The County agrees to a Request For Proposal (RFP) to Fund a Feasibility Study
On January 10th, 2023 the MIPC requested the County complete a Feasibility Study for the residents of Merritt Island. Brevard County has previously conducted and funded these type of studies for Port St. John and Grant-Valkaria.
The Feasibility RFP was issued on Jan 30, 2023.
March 2023
BJM Consulting selected by Brevard County to conduct the Merritt Island Feasibility Study.
Brevard County received two responses to the Merritt Island Feasibility Study RFP and selected BJM consulting. BJM Consulting has conducted 35+ feasibility studies in Florida and is highly recommended by the Florida League of Cities and other municipalities who have solicited their services.
April 2023
MIPC Political Action Committee (PAC) Formed
MIPC formed a PAC in anticipation of the expenses to explore incorporation and due to the aggressive timelines to file with the legislature if the Feasibility Study results were positive for incorporation.
May 2023
MIPC began drafting City Charter
Due to aggressive timelines established by the Florida Legislature, the MIPC hired a local attorney to begin drafting a City Charter.
June 2023
The Interim Feasibility Study demonstrates strong financial viability for incorporation.
The initial feasibility Study results provide a compelling case for the incorporation of Merritt Island.
July 2023
Final Feasibility Study Completed
The Final Feasibility Study is completed.
Aug 2023
The Merritt Island City Charter is completed
The initial Merritt Island City Charter will be completed.
Sept 2023
Request will be made to the Florida legislature to allow the residents of Merritt Island to vote on Incorporation in Nov 2024.
Our State Legislators consider the incorporation of Merritt Island.
Oct 2023-Nov 2024
MIPC begins Town Hall Meetings & Information sharing
The MIPC will conduct town hall meetings and information sharing sessions to ensure the residents of Merritt Island are provided with the facts to make an educated and informed decision on incorporation.
November 2024
The Residents of Merritt Island Vote on incorporation.
The residents of Merritt Island have the opportunity to have their voice heard and vote on incorporation in the General Election.
Do you have a specific topic or question you would like us to cover?
Let's educate ourselves to ensure we make decisions based on facts.
Final Feasability Study Presentation
BJM Consulting summarizes the feasibility results.
What is Government Lite?
Learn More about
"Government Lite" , and how Merritt Island can maintain services from the county and even improve where necessary, without impacting the tax base.
Proposed City Charter
Learn about the proposed Merritt Island City Charter. Understand how districts are organized ensuring focused representation for each area of our island.